
Scientific Council


The Faculty’s Scientific Council (FSC) is an advisory body of the faculty that issues opinions and recommendations on all aspects related to scientific research and teaching in graduation and postgraduation.

The FSC is composed of:

- President of the FSC.

- Dean of the Faculty.

 - Vice-deans.

- Heads of departments.

- Laboratories’ Directors.

- The library’s Curator.

- Presidents of the scientific committees of the departments (CSD).

- Representatives of Magister and PHD teachers.

- Representatives Professors and lecturers of the faculty.

The president of the FSC is elected from among the representatives of the professors with the highest rank for a term of three years renewable once and confirmed by order of the MSTSR.

The of the faculty’s scientific council issues opinions and recommendations on:

  • The organization and content of teachers.
  • The organization of research work. 
  • The research programs proposals.
  • Proposals for the creation or removal of departments and / or branches and units and research laboratories.
  • Proposals for the opening, renewal and / or closing of post-graduation programs and the number of positions to be filled.
  • Profiles and teacher needs.                        

It is also responsible for:

  • Approval of the post-graduation research subjects and proposal of the defense juries.
  • Proposal university habilitation juries.
  • Review the faculty’s academic and scientific activity reports sent its dean, along with the council's opinions and recommendations, to the president. It may be seized of any other educational or scientific question submitted to it by the Dean. 

The faculty scientific council meets in ordinary session once every three (3) months on convocation of its president.


    List of members of the scientific council of the faculty.