SNV/STU 08-05-2024

Conférences sur la Biologie Marine et la Biotechnologie en Collaboration avec des Professeurs chercheurs de l’Université de Gdańsk (Pologne), Mercredi 15/05/2024




International Scientific Collaboration between University of Tlemcen, Algeria   and University of Gdańsk, Poland is a one -day conference, on Wednesday, May15,   2024.

Venue: The conferences will be held at the auditorium of the faculty of natural and life sciences, earth and universe sciences, University of Abou Bekr Belkaid, Tlemcen.

 Program information

The conference will include ample time for discussion and informal interactions between researchers, to ensure a lively exchange of ideas. The conference features four keynote lectures, giving participants access to a range of topics in marine research and biotechnology.

The social program will include a welcome reception, providing an opportunity for attendees to make and renew acquaintances in a relaxed setting.

 Keynote speakers

Prof. Waldemar Surosz, Dean at the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography , University of Gdańsk, Poland  

Waldemar Surosz, Professor on June 9, 1995, he defended his doctoral thesis Growth of selected species of Baltic phytoplankton in the presence of heavy metals,  on November 19, 2010, he obtained his habilitation on the basis of the thesis entitled Multi-aspect taxonomic analysis of the Baltic Sea population of Aphanizomenonflos-aquae (L.) Ralfs ex BornetetFlahault. He holds the position of University Professor at the Institute of Oceanography, and the Dean of the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography of the University of Gdańsk since 2012. Waldemar Surosz has been chosen as Chairman of the Polish Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research PAN for the 2020-2023 term. Since 2014, he has also been President of the Polish Phycological Society. He was the Head of Department of Marine Biology and Ecology at the Institute of Oceanography at the University of Gdańsk until last year. Actually Prof. Waldemar Surosz is the Head of Laboratory of Phycology at the Department of Marine Biology and Biotechnology University of Gdańsk.

Prof. Hanna Jurata Mazur-Marzec, Department of Marine Biology and Biotechnology at the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography, University of Gdańsk, Poland

Professor Hanna Jurata Mazur-Marzec. She graduated with a master's degree in Chemistry from the University of Gdańsk in 1983. She also obtained her PhD and postdoctoral degrees in Earth Sciences at UG in 1995 and 2007. In 2013, she was awarded the title of Professor of Earth Sciences by the President of the Republic of Poland. She currently heads the Department of Marine Biology and Biotechnology at the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography, University of Gdańsk. Prof. Hanna Mazur-Marzec has written over 120 scientific articles. During the last five years, she has implemented five national grants. During this period, she has also been a member of the Management Committee of four COST actions and was involved in one Norwegian CLISED grant and one FOCUS grant within the Interreg South Baltic Programme. She is also a Principal Investigator in a Lithuanian CESBA project implemented by Klaipeda University. Prof. Hanna Mazur-Marzec is a member of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

 Dr. Marcin Kuciński, Department of Marine Biology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Oceanography and Geography, University of Gdansk, Poland.

Marcin Kuciński has published numerous articles in leading scientific journals and is considered an expert in the field of fish genomics and analytical genetic technologies.He has expertise in DNA sequencing, PCR, genetic analysis, analytical genetic technologies DNA sequencing, PCR, genetic analysis, molecular biology, genomics, cell culture, bioinformatics and computational biology,

Program overview

Wednesday June 15, 2024

9h  – 9h15   Opening ceremonies

9h15-10h    Keynote presentation 1 :    Ecological specifity of the Baltic Sea – Prof. Waldemar Surosz

10h-10h45    Keynote presentation 2: Mediterranean Sea: Ecological conditions, Biodiversity, and Various pollution – Dr. MAHI AbdelHakim, Dr. BENGUEDDA-RAHAL

Wacila,  Dr. BENDIMERAD Mohamed El Amine

10h45-11h15                             Coffee/tea break

 11h15-12h    Keynote presentation 3: Marine biotechnology – Pr. Hanna Jurata Mazur-Marzec

12h-12h30      Keynote presentation 4 :  :Biodiversity of Natural Ecosystems of Algeria – As a source of organisms with Biotechnological potentials – Dr. BELYAGOUBI


12h30-13h15  Keynote presentation 5 :The Dynamics of Exploited Populations: A Fisheries Management Tool  – Dr. Marcin Kuciński (on-line conference)

13h15-13h30                                 Closing of Conferences and conclusion