
University habilitation (PHD Qualification)


I) Why register for University Habilitation? University habilitation allows its holder:

- To acquire the masterful rank and to be appointed to the rank of a lecturer

- To frame memories of magister

- To supervise doctoral theses

- To direct research projects

- To lead a research team

II) Who is concerned with University habilitation?

University habilitation is open to teacher-researchers:

- Who are in the activity position

- Who are confirmed in their ranks

- Who hold one of the following degrees:

  • Doctorate in Science or equivalent recognized qualification
  • D LMD systemDoctorate or a recognized equivalent qualification
  • Doctorate of the 3rd cycle
  • Engineer doctor

- Who have been supporting their doctoral theses for at least one year from the submission date of the application for University habilitation

III) When and where to deposit one’s file of University habilitation?

             1) Applications for University habilitation may be submitted during two sessions of the academic year: from September15 to September 30 and from January 15 to January 30.

             2) The candidate must submit his file to the Vice Rectorate of Higher Education, Third Cycle, University habilitation, Scientific Research and Postgraduate Higher Education.

 IV) What is the procedure to follow to pass the University habilitation?

  1. The Vice Rectorate will be in charge of checking the administrative and regulatory compliance of the file.
  2.  If the file is correct, it will be sent to the faculty concerned for examination by scientific bodies (committees and scientific councils) which will decide on the admissibility and will propose three rapporteurs to evaluate the file. The rapporteurs must be of high standing and one of them must be outside the University of Tlemcen. They shall each report individually within a period not exceeding one month (30 days) from the date of receipt.

V) What is the procedure to follow to pass the University habilitation?

1) The Vice Rectorate will be in charge of checking the administrative and regulatory compliance of the file.

2) If the file is correct, it will be sent to the faculty concerned for examination by scientific bodies (committees and scientific councils) which will decide on the admissibility and will propose three rapporteurs to evaluate the file. The rapporteurs must be of high standing and one of them must be outside the University of Tlemcen. They shall each report individually within a period not exceeding one month (30 days) from the date of receipt.

3) When the three reports of the nominated experts are favorable, the faculty’s scientific council will proceed to the proposal of a jury of authorization. The jury is composed of 3 to 6 members, all of whom must be of high standing. At least a third of them and at most a half must be outside the University of Tlemcen. The three rapporteurs may also serve on the jury as invited members.


4) If Tlemcen University is not authorized to issue University habilitation in the candidate specialty, the institution will transmit the file to one of the closest Universities, authorized in this specialty.5) For a file from another institution, the candidate must attach a certificate stating that his / her University of origin is not entitled to issue University habilitation in his / her specialty.

VI) What constitutes the application file for University habilitation?

  1.  A form provided by the administration, signed and addressed to the Rector of the University of Tlemcen (including candidates whose specialty is not open to University habilitation at the University of Tlemcen).
  2.  A copy of the decision of tenure in the rank
  3.  A certificate of recent function
  4.  A copy of each university degree obtained
  5.  A copy of the doctoral thesis
  6. A curriculum vitae, retracing the different stages of the applicant's career; (teaching activity, educational responsibility, supervision of dissertations ...)
  7. All the scientific work done by the candidate including at least one article out and after thesis, published in a journal that meets the criteria of the scientific council.
  8.  The whole of the pedagogical work carried out by the candidate, including at least one 40 to 100-page teaching copy, accompanied by a written commitment stating that it is a personal work resulting from the efforts made during the training. with educational activities. The handout must be the subject of an expert opinion by two teacher-researchers appointed by the Department Scientific Committee and whose conclusions must be endorsed by the Faculty Scientific Council. After support and taking into account all the recommendations of the rapporteurs and other members of the jury, the handout must be published on the e-learning educational platform of the University of Tlemcen website before the diploma is issued.
  9. A summary of 5 to 10 pages highlighting all of the scientific and educational work of the candidate
  10.  For a file from another institution, the candidate must attach a certificate stating that his / her university of origin is not authorized to issue University habilitation in his / her specialty.

VII) What are the regulatory texts that govern University habilitation? 

-  Décret exécutif n° 98-254 du 24 RabieEthani 1419 correspondant au 17 août 1998 relatif à la formation doctorale, à la post-graduation spécialisée et à l’habilitation universitaire

- Circulaire N° 3 du 24 mai 2003 fixant les modalités d’application de  l’habilitation universitaire

- Circulaire N° 4 du 26 Mars 2005 fixant les conditions d’inscription à  l’habilitation universitaire

-  Circulaire N° 2 du 24 avril 2007 fixant les modalités d’habilitation des établissements universitaire  à inscrire des étudiants en doctorat et à  délivrer l’habilitation universitaire

- Décret exécutif n° 10-202 du 30 Ramadhan 1431 correspondant au 9 septembre 2010 modifiant et complétant le décret exécutif n° 98-254 du 24 Rabie  Ethani 1419 correspondant au 17 août 1998 relatif à la formation doctorale, à la post-graduation spécialisée et à l’habilitation universitaire

-  Arrêté N° 160 du 17 Mars 2013 fixant la liste des disciplines ouvertes à l’habilitation  universitaire

-  Arrêté N° 521 du 05 Septembre 2013  fixant les modalités de mise en œuvre des dispositions relatives à l’habilitation universitaire

-   Note relative à l’habilitation universitaire pour les titulaires d’un Doctorat D/LMD.